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  • Jenn Eli

"Unlocking the Power of the Triple Heater Meridian: How It Impacts Your Health and Well-being"

~The triple heater meridian is an energy system that controls our flight or flght response. The Triple heater is related the immune system and our ability to manage stress. This meridian is not connected to a specific organ in the body, but it actually helps to regulate all energy in the body. Recent research suggests that it may be connected to the interstitium or the connective tissue.

~For the emotional connection, working on the TH meridian can help to calm anxiety, help to overcome shyness or feeling very vulnerable in life.

The name "triple" is because of its 4 parts:

Upper heater - Located above the diaphragm. It is related to the heart, pericardium, throat and lungs.

Middle heater - Extends from the diaphragm to the navel. Related to the energetics of the stomach, liver, spleen, liver and gallbladder.

Lower heater - Located below the diaphragm. It includes the kidneys, bladder, large and small intestines, uterus/testes.

Triple heater is paired with the yin pericardium meridian. The pericardium meridian is a protector of the heart. Pericardium is also connected to the back 4 molars, or wisdom teeth. Additionally, it is connected to the spin from the 9th thoracic vertebrae (T9) and ending with the coccyx.

Think of the meridian in relationship to these organs and glands:



Pineal gland



Think of working on the triple heater for:




Cold hands and feet

Digestive issues

Autoimmune conditions



Muscle pain/fatigue

Emotional and mental:

Reconnects us to ourselves when feeling cut off from others

Strengthens good energetic boundaries

Triple Warmer 1 - Rushing the Frontier Gate - Helps with strengthening boundaries

Triple Warmer 6 - Resolves stagnation and opens the intestines. Use for constipation in combination with Large Intestine 11 and Stomach 36.

Triple Warmer 7 - Assemby of Ancestors - Tap into the wisdom of ancestors. Also used for tinnitus and other issues of hearing.

This package can be added to any subscription you purchace.

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